Chris Cree

Lisa Cree - Joy video cover

Harnessing Joy: The Unseen Weapon in Spiritual Warfare

Chris and Lisa Cree discuss the significance of joy as a potent spiritual tool for Christians to combat negativity and adversity in their lives. They emphasize the scriptural support for joy as a means to conquer the enemy’s attempts to diminish believers’ spirits. Through personal stories and biblical references, they showcase how embracing joy leads to restoration, victory over challenges, and the reclaiming of lost blessings. Their discussion underlines the eternal joy and strength derived from faith in the Lord.

Harnessing Joy: The Unseen Weapon in Spiritual Warfare See More

Shawn McKay Compromise to Collaboration video cover

From Compromise to Collaboration: Transforming Our Christian Walk

As believers, it is vital for us to maintain integrity, courage, and consideration while avoiding compromise, and instead fostering win-win situations through collaboration. Shawn McKay joins host Chris Cree to discuss the importance of working together in unity while highlighting an abundance mindset and the power of walking faithfully in the truth of God’s word.

From Compromise to Collaboration: Transforming Our Christian Walk See More

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