What is Truth?
The question of truth is not just for obscure philosophers to kick around. Truth is important for all of us and affects our everyday lives.
The question of truth is not just for obscure philosophers to kick around. Truth is important for all of us and affects our everyday lives.
Deception is the single biggest weapon of the enemy. Fortunately, the Bible shows us how we can each be delusion proof in our walk with Jesus. This week Cindy Carpenter joins host Chris Cree as we talk about how you can make your life delusion proof.
Cindy Carpenter: Delusion Proof See More
Truth is an irresistibly powerful force that always rises to the surface. This is because truth is a person: Jesus. True freedom comes when we know Jesus and walk in His ways.
We don’t give to get. We hear that a lot. But is it true? The Bible reveals what is available for us to receive from God, and how.
Exposing the Lie: We Don’t Give to Get See More
Truth (the law) without grace can never work because our flesh is powerless to keep it. But Jesus provided the grace we needed to be able to live in truth.
Grace and Truth in Jesus – John 1:17 See More
Any truth taken to an extreme will become a heresy. Hyperbole is the kryptonite of credibility. Stick to the truth without exaggeration. Keep a balanced perspective and delight the Lord.
Dishonest Scales are an Abomination – Proverbs 11:1 See More
What is it that makes such a huge number of Christians so repulsive? Far too many Christians are mean, harsh, judgmental, and condemning to those around them. They can be downright cruel and come across heartless sometimes. It’s one thing for the message they carry to offend people. Unfortunately far too often the message of
Why Are Christians So Repulsive? See More
Jesus very specifically said that true worship must be in spirit and in truth. Far too many Christians are way out of balance on one side or the other.
True Worship Needs Both Spirit and Truth See More
The question of truth is not just for obscure philosophers to kick around. Truth is important for all of us and affects our everyday lives.