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Donation Confirmation

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Thank you so much for supporting our mission to reach more people with the Gospel in Scotland and around the world. Together we will advance the Kingdom of God and push back the darkness!

Your transaction has been completed successfully. You should be receiving an email confirmation of your donation directly from our payment processor, Stripe, shortly. If you have any questions or concerns about your partnership or donation at any time, you can fill out the form on our Contact page. We’ll get back with you via email as quickly as we can.

NewCREEations Newsletter

Believe Your Way to Supernatural Faith book cover

Because you have come alongside the ministry financially we assume you will want to receive our email newsletter. If you were not already subscribed, then you should be now. There are a couple things we’d like you to know about that.

First, we would like to share the eBook that we offer to everyone who subscribes to our newsletter at no cost to them. Financial contributions like yours make it possible for us to provide it to folks free of charge. We have had multiple people email us to thank us for blessing them with the book and we always make sure to let them know that it’s because of the generosity of folks like you that we can offer it.

If you don’t already have a copy of the How to Believe Your Way to Supernatural Faith eBook then you should be getting an email with the link to download your copy.

Check Your Spam Folder

Please note, if you do not see this email in the next few minutes then please check your spam folder to ensure that the email was not labeled as spam in error.

Additional Note For Gmail Users

Additionally, if you are using a Gmail address please note that our email will most likely be found under the Promotions tab in your main email box. That tab should be located on the right side of the top of you Gmail inbox per this screenshot:

Gmail Promotions Tab

Request the Ebook

If you’ve been subscribed to our email newsletter for a while now and would like to request a copy of the eBook, please reach out to us via the form on our Contact page and we will email you a copy, no worries.

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