Have you ever stopped to ponder the source of true wisdom? Is it found in the countless self-help books lining bookstore shelves or in the halls of prestigious universities? While knowledge may be abundant in our information age, wisdom, in its truest form, starts with a reverential respect for God and His ways.
Here is how the Bible says it:
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
— Proverbs 9:10 (NKJV)
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
This simple yet profound statement serves as a foundational truth as our starting place. It boldly asserts wisdom has its roots in a profound reverence for God.
But what does it mean to “fear” the Lord? It’s not about cowering in terror but rather embracing a posture of awe and reverence. It’s recognizing the greatness of the Creator and acknowledging His infinite wisdom and authority. When we approach God with this attitude, we embark on a journey of discovering true wisdom.
As we delve deeper into this Proverb, we find a compelling insight — “the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” This implies that understanding the things we already know in life takes on new dimensions when we come to know God’s character. It’s like suddenly seeing the world through a different lens. Our experiences, our relationships, our purpose — all of them become clearer and more meaningful as we gain insight into the nature of the One who created and sustains everything.
Making It Practical
So, how does this work in practice? When we seek wisdom, we first acknowledge God’s supremacy and align ourselves with His ways. We study His Word, meditate on His teachings, and live in accordance with His principles. In doing so, we not only gain knowledge but also unlock the profound understanding that comes from knowing God’s character.
Here’s the bottom line. The pursuit of wisdom begins with a heart that reveres God. As we grow in our knowledge of the Holy One, we gain invaluable insight into life’s deepest questions and mysteries. So, the next time you seek wisdom, remember what scripture reveals, and ask yourself, “Am I approaching this with a reverential respect for God and His ways?” The answer might just lead you to a deeper wellspring of wisdom than you ever imagined.