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Jesus is the Truth
Truth is an irresistibly powerful force that always rises to the surface. This is because truth is a person: Jesus. True freedom comes when we know Jesus and walk in His ways.
Lori Snyder: Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Your heart is the single biggest factor that determines how far you go in life. It’s even bigger than any external force or circumstance you might find yourself in. Join us this week as Lori Snyder joins host Chris Cree and they talk about critical heart issues that can hold you back from reaching your…
Jesus is the Way
Jesus said He is the way. He’s the way to experience salvation, peace, and significance in your life. And He is the way to overcome whatever challenges and obstacles life sends your way. Jesus is the way to the unlock the victorious life you were destined to live.
Grow in Favor
The favor of God is powerful. His favor can make things easier for you to accomplish and make your life far more fruitful that anything you can accomplish on your own. So it’s good news that you have the capacity to grow in favor, just like Jesus did.
Lisa McKay: Hearing God
God speaks to His children. This week Lisa McKay returns to talk more with host Chris Cree about more of the ways we hear God’s voice speaking to us as believers in Jesus. They will share Biblical examples, as well as personal examples from their own lives.
Grow in Grace
Did you know that, as believers in Jesus, we can grow in grace? It’s true. In fact, the Bible instructs us to do that very thing. How do we do that? Let’s take a look.
Healthy Things Grow
When something is healthy it will grow. That is part of how God hardwired the universe. Therefore, you can use that as one measure to test if a thing is healthy or not.
Chris & Lisa Cree: The Last Shall Be First
What did Jesus mean when He said the first shall be last and the last shall be first? He wasn’t talking about an arbitrary reordering of things. This week, Chris and Lisa Cree take a look at the scriptures to find out what Jesus meant.
Meaning of Being In Christ
Do you know what it means to be in Christ? The Bible uses that phrase a bunch to describe your new identity now that you believe in Jesus. Let’s take a look at what it means.
The Incorruptible Seed
There is true power in the word of God because it is an incorruptible seed which both lives and remains forever. You can plant the seed of God’s word in your heart and watch it grow into an abundant harvest.