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Authority, Power, and Choices
People tend to misunderstand the fact that an all powerful God allows horribly bad things happening as evidence that He doesn’t exist.
What is Truth?
The question of truth is not just for obscure philosophers to kick around. Truth is important for all of us and affects our everyday lives.
Diane Grubis: Poverty vs. Prosperity Mindsets
Jesus revealed a great many truths in His parable of the talents. This week Diane Grubis joins host Chris Cree to share what Jesus revealed about different mindsets in this parable.
Seeing God’s Character
Many people have rejected God because they have twisted ideas of who He is. Our job as Christians is to share God with people as He is, in all His goodness.
God Is Slow to Anger
The Bible says God is slow to anger in spite of how many Christians claim God judges the earth after a disaster. How long is slow in God’s perspective?
Lori Snyder: Faithfulness vs. Obedience: Does the Difference Matter?
In the Old Covenant obedience was crucial because it determined whether God’s people received blessing or curses. In the New Covenant, faithfulness comes to the forefront. This week Lori Snyder joins host Chris Cree to discuss the difference between faithfulness and obedience and why faithfulness is so important.
What Does It Mean to Guard Your Heart?
Guard your heart. That is what the Bible says. But in order to guard your heart you have to first know what it is and then what it means to protect it.
The Difference Between Soul and Spirit
Until we understand the difference between soul and spirit and how they relate to our physical body, the Bible will be much more confusing than necessary.
Byron Mills: What Does Seek First the Kingdom Mean?
Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom of God. What did He mean by that? What is the Kingdom of God? How do we seek it? Pastor Byron Mills joins host Chris Cree this week to talk about the Kingdom of God and how we can seek it first.
4 Things to Remember During Transition
Transition is a part of life. We all go through changes of seasons for various reasons. Here are four lessons learned that might encourage you when you find yourself in a time of transition.