Ministry Articles

Guard Your Heart

To Guard Your Heart Properly First Know What It Is

Guard your heart. That’s something the Bible warns us we should do. Our heart has a huge impact on how our lives play out. It is our heart that determines our thoughts and attitudes. Those thoughts and attitudes are what control the words we say. In turn the words we say set the course of…

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iPad Bible

What Everybody Ought to Know About Preaching from an iPad

A while back I read a couple articles about preachers preaching from iPads instead of from a traditional on-dead-tree printed Bible. They were both from seminary professors, one against it and one for it. A Silly Discussion First of all I think the whole discussion is silly. All of the arguments presented in the article…

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Heated Arguement

Why Are Christians So Repulsive?

What is it that makes such a huge number of Christians so repulsive? Far too many Christians are mean, harsh, judgmental, and condemning to those around them. They can be downright cruel and come across heartless sometimes. It’s one thing for the message they carry to offend people. Unfortunately far too often the message of…

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