Good Works vs. Dead Works
Outwardly dead works can look exactly the same as good works. According to the Bible what really matters is our heart motivation.
The Ultimate Christmas Gift
The original Christmas gift is still the best one ever imagined. Take a look at it again for the very first time. It’s yours if you choose to receive it.
Seeing God’s Character
Many people have rejected God because they have twisted ideas of who he is. Our job as Christians is to share God with people as he is in all his goodness.
Biblical Hope – Vital In Ways You May Not Know
In Christian circles we hear a lot about faith and love. But what about hope? In the Bible hope is different, and more important, than most of us realize.
Remembering 9-11 Eleven Years Later
Eleven years ago 9-11 was also on a Tuesday. Here are some of my memories of that day.
Contracts vs. Covenants – Why the Difference Matters
One of the big problems today in our culture today is that we think only in terms of contracts and never covenants. In Covenant People I explained the difference between them. The Difference To recap from that post: With a contract, if one agreeing party does something in violation of the contract then it is…
Holiness is Not Contagious, Evil Is
Recently I made the above statement on Facebook and it generated a couple of questions. So I thought I’d expand on that thought a little bit here. One Bad Apple We’re all familiar with the adage one bad apple spoils the bunch. If you put a rotten apple in with a bunch of good ones…
What is Truth?
The question of truth is not just for obscure philosophers to kick around. Truth is important for all of us and affects our everyday lives.
Covenant People
Understanding the different covenants in the Bible is key to understanding God’s character. There are implications of being covenant people.
Head Knowledge vs. Heart Knowledge
There are different kinds of knowledge and that makes a huge difference how we apply what we learn and whether it has any impact on us for positive change.