How to Correctly Discern the Lord’s Body
True Worship Needs Both Spirit and Truth
What You Need to Know About the Judgement of God
God Does Not Cause Tornadoes
It is amazing to me how many people believe God is responsible for everything that happens in our world, both good and bad. Every time some major natural disaster happens, such as the tornado that ripped through Moore, Oklahoma this week, I see people accusing God of inflicting horrible tragedy on people. They don’t realize…
Graduating From Charis Bible College
Today my wife and I graduate from Charis Bible College. We’re being awarded degrees and will both be licensed ministers. For us it’s a little surreal. Unlikely Students If you had known us as little as 4 years ago I expect you would have thought that we were an unlikely couple to move across country…
A Different Interpretation
Lisa & I caught a show on TV a while back with a guy Jim Fleming, who is an authority on Biblical Archeology (and a believer). He was explaining why it’s valuable for us to understand the culture of Jesus’ day so that we can have a better understanding of what Jesus meant by what…
We Need True Hope
Did You Know that God is Slow to Anger?
Good Friday: Amazingly Good News
What’s so good about Good Friday? I mean have you ever wondered why we call today, the Friday before Easter Sunday Good Friday? I did. Brutal Treatment This is the anniversary of the day religious leaders manipulated the civil authority to see Jesus brutalized and executed. First he was beaten and humiliated by the Roman…