Ministry Articles

Joe Paterno

Sin Has Consequences

Our individual sins were paid for 2,000 years ago. They are no longer a barrier keeping people from God. Some people have trouble with that truth. There are those who see think that unless they portray God as raging mad about the sin we commit throughout our lives then there is no reason not to…

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World Religion Map

Jesus vs. Religion

Our world is full of religions. I’ve got to say, I’m not much a fan. Of any of them. That probably sounds like a huge contradiction coming from from someone who claims to be a “Jesus Freak” and uprooted his family to move across the country to attend a Bible College too. But it’s not….

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9/11 South Tower Impact

Ten Years Later – Remembering 9/11

It’s hard to believe it was ten years ago already. Every now and then something happens that becomes a defining event for a generation. For mine it happened on that clear September morning ten years ago. That day everything changed. And yet, looking back, it seems that not enough has really changed. This is what…

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Golden Calf

Idol Worship Affects Us All

The Old Testament is full of idol worship. It goes back to Genesis and seems to be a constant theme. When Jacob decided it was finally time to leave his swindling father-in-law, Rachel, one of Jacob’s wives, stole her father’s idols. After the Israelites were delivered from Egypt they panicked because Moses had been gone…

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Japan Tsunami

Post Tsunami Message from Missionary in Japan

If you have seen any of the video coming out of Japan in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami this past Friday you cannot help but be moved at the incredible devastation that has been wreaked on the northeastern part of their country. I know I’ve spent a bunch of time this weekend online…

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