Ministry Articles

Grace and Faith UK 2015

Moving Forward – Scotland Bound!

It’s been three months since you have heard from us via our blog. We came back from our last trip to the UK beginning of June and we hit the ground running. I (Lisa) work for the events department at the ministry in Woodland Park and this summer held three major conferences and another one-day…

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NewCREEations Facebook Screenshot

We Now Have a Facebook Page

This week marks the beginning of our new Facebook page. It’s yet another “new creation” for the ministry! 🙂 We truly live in an amazing age. Today we can reach more people with the Gospel in less time with less money than ever before in human history. Thanks to the internet and to social media…

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Garage Sale Beginning

Successful Fundraising Garage Sale

Our two-day trip fund raising garage sale was a great success raising $520.00 toward our trip that we will take in two weeks.   A special thank you to all who donated items and also to those who came and shopped. The weather was perfect and heaps of people showed up. Deuteronomy 28:8 says The Lord…

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Fountain Detail

Steps Towards Scotland

It’s been an interesting few months and now we’re moving forward in our journey to Scotland! We’re off to the UK for another Scouting Trip! A lot of things have happened in the last couple of months in our journey to Scotland and it’s time for an Update. (Well, well past time really. But here…

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Versailles Interior

Wealthy People Are Not Ungodly by Definition

I recently saw a conversation on Facebook that saddened me. It started with a post that linked to an article which gloated about how a very prominent pastor was being sued over book royalties and the non-profit status of the church he leads. I get that there are people out there who want to see…

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