Ministry Articles

Blue Sky Scotland

Entering Our Promised Land

We had a great time at Andrew Wommack’s ministers conference in England this week. We met some new folks and strengthened relationships with others we had met previously. Both Andrew Wommack and Bob Yandian ministered things we needed to hear. The Promised Land One of the things that Bob Yandian pointed out to us all…

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Scottish Field

The Journey Begins

So the journey continues! Hey everyone! We are excited to announce the launch of our ministry website and that we are headed back to the United Kingdom on October 17th. We will be spending three weeks there to “spy out the land,” so to speak, and seek the Lord for His next steps for us….

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Think on These Things

Think on These Things

What we think about is very important. Paul gave us a list of good things to think on, but have you ever looked closely at what those things actually are?
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Chris Reflection

Personal Experience Leads Me to Believe God Exists

Everybody has a story, and I’m no different in that respect. I was one of those guys who was able to do anything I put my mind to. If I decided on something it just sort of happened. From the outside looking in people might not have seen that about me because I kind of…

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Chris at sunset

God Exists – The Many Reasons I Believe It

Every now and then someone challenges me to prove that God exists. By that they usually mean they want some sort of scientific proof for the existence of God. The thing is, that can’t be done. Of course you can’t scientifically prove that God doesn’t exist either. Scientists come up with theories such as “God…

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